Friday 21 February 2014

Filler Post: Sorry for Abandoning You!

Filler Post: Sorry for Abandoning You!

It has been exactly a week since Valentines day, and we have only just seen the last of it. I personally love the way that after Valentines day, tack rose shaped chocolate goes on sale, and the single community rejoices. I spent my Valentines day being not the third wheel of a relationship, but being the fourth wheel, which is pretty impressive. And don't tell me that means that we are double dating, it so does not. Wheel number three and I have friend-zoned each other (i.e. we're both friends and content to be thus) so far it is unreal.

A lot has happened to me in the past week. I adopted a rescue hamster called Banjo - who was originally an escapologist at Pets at Home. I became an only child (i.e. both my siblings went on their school ski trip and I didn't). I went to see The Book of Mormon (I love theatre, but I personally found it quite disappointing), I went snowboarding and killed my knees in one of the most epic crashes of all time. I auditioned for National Youth Theatre and started story boarding a graphic novel. And I sewed a skirt, which I might make into a blog post all of its own. So whilst it doesn't excuse the fact that I didn't blog at all, I have excuses reasons at least been productive.

I'm about to do some photography so that I can give you lot a proper post, so I shall see you either later today (depending on the organization skills that I either have or do not) or in the next few days.

Toodle-pip x

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